3 Horrible Mistakes You Can Make With Your Virtual Assistants


3 Horrible Mistakes You Can Make With Your Virtual Assistants

The connections you build with other people, particularly the virtual assistants who are an essential member of your team and support you in maintaining a better work-life balance, will become apparent over the years. While your success is ultimately in your grip, a portion of that achievement can be attributed to those ties. Because VA are the ones that keep you from becoming slowed down so that you may concentrate on other activities that will generate income.

However, this does not imply that hiring a virtual assistant will miraculously solve all of your challenges. A virtual assistant (VA) is just as effective as the productive relationship you have with them, whether you employ one through an entrepreneur-focused service like the Shrewd Virtual Assistants, which assists you with business and personal activities, or somewhere else.

Below are the top 3 horrible mistakes to avoid in order to keep your outsourcing partnerships alive. Your chances of success will increase significantly, as well as your ability to maintain partnerships.

1. Ignoring The Need To Define Your Tasks

Making a list of the things you want a VA to complete for you is a good idea while working with them. These include, booking vacations, publishing blog entries, and disseminating content on social media. You can choose a VA with the appropriate expertise and skill by making an exact work list. 

Once your VA is on board, you’ll want to give each specific task you want completed with the same amount of thought in preparation. This is extremely crucial if you’re working with an international VA whose cultural reference points may differ from your own. 

Being very specific with your guidelines and attempting to foresee any queries your VA may have or potential pitfalls will help you save a lot of problems later.

2. Disregarding Their Value

The more time your virtual assistant spends working for you, the more adeptly they comprehend your company and the purpose of a task. However, if you withhold the information, they will be unable to foresee your needs, which would make it impossible for them to support your success.

You and your VA work together to accomplish your objectives. You destroy a connection if you don’t respect their aptitude and skills and don’t have enough faith in them to hand over crucial tasks. They’ll go work for someone who respects what they can achieve.

Your personal worth can be underestimated just as much as that of your virtual assistant. When you choose to squander time on tasks that your VA can simply perform, this occurs far too frequently.

3. Inability To Evaluate Their Work

It’s alluring to believe that after hiring a VA, you may assign the duty and then completely forget about it. However, it is most certainly not how it operates at first. To spot issues early and provide advice and comments, you must schedule time in your calendar to go through everything they do. 

If they run into trouble or don’t comprehend your directions, some VAs could be reluctant to let you know. Therefore, following up frequently and keeping an eye on their development in the beginning can help to ensure they aren’t following instructions incorrectly and ending up in dead ends.


By utilizing a VA’s time and skills to the fullest, you will greatly enhance your efficiency. If you’re always fixing mistakes and starting over, you won’t ever be able to fully enjoy the benefits. Planning ahead and putting in place the mechanisms that will make them successful are the only ways to prevent that from happening.


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