About Us

behind the scenes at Shrewd Virtual Assistants


Our mission at Shrewd Virtual Assistants is to provide top-quality virtual assistance to individuals and businesses, enabling them to focus on their core responsibilities and goals.

We strive to create a seamless and efficient experience for our clients by offering personalized support and a wide range of services.

Our team of highly trained and skilled virtual assistants is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and excellent customer service.

We are all committed to continuous learning and improvement, so that we can consistently exceed the clients’ expectations and help them achieve their full potential.

About Shrewd Virtual Assistants


our story

In the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, people lost jobs and life became hard for many. Remote or hybrid working models were barely embraced, especially by employers in the developing countries. It was time for skilled professionals to look for alternative sources of livelihood.

A group of freelancing friends led by Martin decided to actively look for all possible online job boards and freelancer platforms. They built profiles in almost every site they came across and opportunities began opening again. Even after the economy opened up, the majority of them had already experienced the joy of working from home and were not willing to search for onsite employment again.

“How about pooling our services together and searching for opportunities under one umbrella?” I raised this question and my friends were excited about the idea. That is when I came up with The Shrewd Virtual Assistants Agency. My goal was and remains to change lives by providing a consistent flow of work while building a competitive business environment for our clients whether startups or existing business.


Our Virtual Assistants are smart, knowledgeable and experienced individuals. They are very qualified and extensively trained on businesses and executive-related activities.

Your virtual assistants are available Monday through Friday with a flexibility of working over the weekend on demand under the normal rates.

Your virtual assistants are available Monday through Friday with a flexibility of working over the weekend on demand under the normal rates.

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.

From 8USD per hour

No. You pay for the work done every two weeks. Once we agree on the number of hours, you will pay a commitment fee equivalent to the number of hours for the following two weeks. Extra or less hours will reflect in the next invoice.

You will work with our leadership team to get a temp for you to ensure consistent assistance.

The Shrewd VA is concerned about the security of your data and employs commercially reasonable physical, administrative, and technological precautions to maintain the integrity and security of all data acquired through our website. However, no security mechanism is impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee that our systems will remain secure at all times. The Shrewd VA will take reasonable steps to investigate any security breach and, where required, notify those persons whose information may have been compromised, as well as take other steps, in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. The Shrewd VA will take necessary and strong legal action against any employee who violates the company’s privacy policies or leaks client information (s). Every employee at The Shrewd Virtual Assistants signs a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Breach of the Nondisclosure Agreement any client information leaked by an employee will result in strict civil and criminal legal action being taken against that person (s).

Please contact the Account Manager who was assigned to you and inform them of your issue. We’ll look into it and make the transfer to your next Virtual Assistant as painless as possible.

Your daily bandwidth is determined by the package we tailor-made for you.

Yes, of course. We’ll take care of your request if you contact your Account Manager before your next billing cycle. We do not give prorated refunds or cancellations for unused hours, unfortunately.

Here’s where you can ask questions.

A specialized Virtual Assistant is included in each of your tailored plan. You’ll work with your VA one-on-one, delegating duties to them directly. Your virtual assistant will progressively learn about you, your work, and your preferences, as well as how to anticipate your needs. They plan their days so that they can assist you and your chores as quickly as possible. As a result, we do not guarantee a quick response, though we do try.

First and foremost, welcome aboard! Using the information you provided throughout the enrollment process, we’ll begin looking for the ideal VA for you. We’ll send an email linking you two when we’ve identified which of our team members is the best fit for your needs. We recommend making a brief call following that. Within two business days after signing up, we will introduce you to your VA.

You can assign jobs at any different time of day or night, during the week or on weekends. Please keep in mind that if you deliver a task minutes before the end of the working day, it is unlikely to be finished that day.

Please contact us at help@shrewdva.com

Visual errands, outbound sales calls, legal, accounting, and HR work, full-time customer support, receptionist services, and payment processing on your behalf are all things we provide.

Yes, however there are certain restrictions. Your Virtual Assistant can contact vendors, make reservations, and make phone calls on your behalf, but they won’t be able to make outbound sales calls or solicit leads

Yes, for these calls, the VA will send a full statement.

They certainly can. Our virtual assistants have received extensive training in email management and can keep your inbox organized and accessible at all times.

Absolutely. Our virtual assistants utilize and maintain Google Calendars solely. Meetings, appointments, and managing your Google Calendar are all simple tasks for your Virtual Assistant. Simply share your calendar with them and give them permission to manage it.

 Your VA can format and edit presentations with the content, images, and detailed design instructions shared by you. With the material, photos, and comprehensive design guidelines given by you, your VA can format and edit presentations.

Meet Our Clients

Big & Small Brands Believe In Us

Tech Entrepreneurs, Professional Service Consultants, SMEs. 

Do you want to grow your business?

we can do it together

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